An open letter

To members of the Conservative Party of Canada:

This government will not fare well in the history books. It has done too much harm for too little benefit. A balanced budget doesn’t have as much value if it is achieved by doing evil. The question is whether you will be lumped in with the Harper government or recognized for bravely taking a stand for all Canadians, conservative and otherwise, to ensure we still have a future. No matter our differences, Canadians love our wild places. Our lakes and forests where we can hike and camp and fish. I know of no one who wishes we had fewer healthy lakes except, apparently, the Harper government. If we must sacrifice, let us sacrifice things that are not important first, such as advertising and shipping of armored vehicles and subsidies to industries that are already wealthy. Save vital programs such as the Experimental Lakes Area and legislation to protect the environment. Get rid of the real waste instead.

To Canadians:

It does not matter who you voted for. It is your responsibility to make sure your government continues to speak for you and work for your benefit. Voting for a party does not mean blindly agreeing with everything the party does. Remember, the public servants work for the public. We tell them what we want. We don’t wait for them to tell us what we want. I challenge all of you who love Canada to educate yourselves about what is going on here. Put aside pre-conceived notions and party biases. Search your hearts and tell your representatives in government if there is something that needs to be fixed. You may be happy with some of their choices but it would be insane to be happy with all of them. No one can ever be 100% happy with any political party. Individual politicians interpret things differently and have different priorities. If we let them have carte blanche to do whatever they feel like, we are only hurting ourselves.

If you didn’t vote for the current government, you can still make a stand. And the truth is that the majority of Canadians did not vote for them. A small minority gave them a majority government due to our flawed electoral system. But they still represent all of us. Their loyalty has to be to us. We pay their salaries. We have every right and also the duty to demand that they listen to us.

We tend to be complacent but complacency never got anyone anywhere. What do you want? You will never get it if you don’t ask for it. Get involved. It doesn’t have to take much. Make a phone call or write a letter. Talk to your friends and family and share thoughts. This country is yours. Take ownership of it.

You don’t have to agree with me about any of my opinions. If you have a cause, make your voice heard. You are Canadian. You have the right.

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